In 1998, Eltutan Law Office was founded by Att. Murat Eltutan. Our office provides protective consultancy services. It aims to detect and prevent disputes and problems before they arise.

Principal fields of activity:

Our principal fields of activity include Commercial Law, Competition Law, Intellectual and Industrial Property Law, Information Technology Law, and Real Estate Law, and our office provides services with its knowledge and practical experience in finding solutions to the legal problems of our clients.

It is engaged in the fields of Advocacy, Consultancy and Registration for a full range of legal services.

Our Perspective on the Profession

The important thing is not to sue, but to win the case.

In all cases, the parties are supposed to explain their claims and defences very well from legal and technical points of view. For this, it is necessary to conduct a legal SWOT analysis, determine the strengths and weaknesses, and carry out the legal process by evaluating the benefits and losses.

It is necessary to force to have justice manifest itself!



The legal regulations in our country are contemporary and advanced as they are directly derived from international conventions and European Union regulations. However, there are serious implementation problems.

As stated in the legal literature, seeking rights against the law is not easy.

The modernity and beauty of written laws often do not affect actual practices, and Turkish businesspeople are exposed to great injustices.

Facts of life and facts of law often differ.

In practice, it is common to find that different decisions are made for cases with the same issue; because many factors determine the decision.

In a decision to be made in a trial, the legal knowledge, experience and perspectives of the judge, lawyers and experts have a great impact. In addition, the importance given to the law and the case by the parties of the case is a major factor in shaping the decision.

Justice is too important to be left to the mercy of judges and experts! Because neither the judge nor the expert will be affected by the outcome of the trial; the losers and winners would be the sides of the case.

It is necessary to force to have justice manifest itself!

The parties should not leave the trial to judges and experts, and they should act as a locomotive at every stage of the trial. The parties must prove their claims and justifications, collect all evidence, and work with expert lawyers and consultants.

Our office provides technical and legal support to its clients in their legal struggles.



Our office has a wide service network for the solutions that its clients need in administrative and legal processes.

Primarily, it provides protective consultancy service. Our office aims to detect and prevent any disputes and problems before they arise.

Our office handles problems not only with the legal aspects, but as a whole, considering all the features arising from the work itself and the conditions of Turkey, and provides realistic and appropriate solution methods to provide maximum benefit to its clients.

Our office conducts SWOT analyses of companies within the scope of Competition Law and Intellectual Property Law, and takes necessary measures.

Our office is engaged in the structuring of Technocity and R&D centers, and in commercialization, technology transfer and licensing processes.

Our office is engaged in protection of Intellectual and Industrial Property rights, supervision of the market against competition and copyright violations, and adoption of measures against violators thereof.

Our office is engaged in administrative and legal structuring activities within the scope of Internet Law. It provides creative, effective and quality consultancy services in our country and in the world, especially for the detection of competition and copyright violations on the Internet and adoption of measures against violators thereof.



It is a great mistake to view the law as only the court stage. The court stage is very important; however, there are many administrative and legal processes to be performed before and after such stage.

Especially all rights must be registered to ensure full protection under Intellectual and Industrial Property Law, Commercial Law, Competition Law, and IT Law.

No positive results are obtained from the court process based on incomplete and incorrect registrations 

Matters involving Unfair Competition, Trademark and Patent Violation, IT Law may not be handled based on mere general information, and special information would be required for this purpose. It is also essential to know the registration process! Lack of knowledge on registration conditions and process would cause mistakes during the trial phase.

Registration is a must in order to secure the property rights of your brands, products and ideas having been created by devoting time, effort, knowledge, and money!

Deficiencies and mistakes would often be committed in the event that the registration process and the legal process are handled by independent and unaware teams.

Since 1998, we have been providing Registration and Certification services with an experience of more than ten thousand registration actions and thousands of court cases...